Production Name:
I masnadieri

Production Information: 
Costume Designer: Howard Tsvi Kaplan
Stage Director: Martha Collins
Period: 18th Century Germany

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Year Built: 2006
Built By: Sarasota Opera Costume Shop

Principal Women:
Amalia - 2 (and cape)

Principal Men: 
Francesco - 3
Carlo - 2
Massimiliano - 2
Rola - 2
Moser - 1
Armino - 2

Chorus Women:
Refugees - 12

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Chorus Men:
Bandits - 14

Peasant girls - 2

Renting company is responsible for shipping charges.
Costumes can be shipped UPS, FedEx, or van lines.

Production History:


Additional Notes:
This show does not come with shoes.
The costumes are to be returned clean.
Costs include: Rental Fee, Packing Charges, Designer's Royalty
Costs do not include: Cleaning Fees, Shipping Charges, Insurance Certificate